The Doctoral
School of Economics and Business Administration (DSEBA) was founded, as formal institution, on September 1st, 2005, although doctoral research was performed and doctoral degrees were awarded for more than 30 years now, in our Faculty. Today, it is an active
academic community, with PhD advisers, research commission advisers and PhD students. Doctoral programs are supported by the active involvement of
professors and researchers from the four departments of our school: Accounting,
Business Informatics, Economics and International Relations, Finance and Public
Administration and Management, Marketing and Business Administration.
The mission of our Doctoral School is to ensure a rigorous and nurturing research environment, in order to enable intellectual and professional development and to contribute to the evolution of the society through advanced research in various fields of Economics and Business Administration.
The three-year PhD degree program is organized on eight specializations (Accounting, Business Informatics, Cybernetics and Statistics, Economics, Economics and International Affairs, Finance, Management, Marketing), with one core semester - both compulsory and optional courses - which develop fundamental and applied research skills, as well as transversal competencies for integrative approaches and insights. We value open mindedness and honesty, critical thinking and academic rigor, cooperation and interdisciplinarity, proactive behaviors and community engagement.
Join Us!
Professor Adriana ZAIT, PhD
Director SDEAA
Faculty Day is an event within which students from the Doctoral School
of Economics and Business Administration will be able to present their
doctoral research progress to specialized audiences.
The event will take place Wednesday, July 5th, 2017, in the boardroom of FEAA (B block, 1st floor).
The proposal for round table agenda is under construction:
9-9.30 Welcome from Dean
9.30-11 Presentations . Each student will present in 5-6 minutes the progress in PhD research (similar to 3MT PhD competition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_dj-AtvR7U).
11-11:30 Coffee Break and free discussions
11:30-12:30 Dilemma in Methodological approach (others contributions)or other proposal
14-16-Visit to UAIC Museum and Botanical garden (optional)
Acces to electronic resources
for PhD Studens
Acces to electronic resources: Anelis Plus or BCU - Iași
(Access based on institutional IP is available on a PC from the Central
University Library building, FEAA building, UAIC hostels, UAIC – R
Mobile access to electronis resources for PhD students:
1. Create an email account for UAIC students by filling out the registration application
2. Access E-information page and enroll using the email created under point 1, accepted format: nume.prenume@student.uaic.ro.
Other dissertations and electronic resources.
List of journals and books purchased under the European Project POSDRU 47646 that may be read in room R412: Listă reviste și cărți achiziționate prin proiectul POSDRU 47646.pdf